Mission Statement

River House, Inc. is a nonprofit agency that serves victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse in four northern Michigan counties: Crawford, Ogemaw, Oscoda, and Roscommon counties. The main facility is located in Grayling, Michigan. Advocates travel to locations throughout the four counties to meet with survivors.

A Brief History

River House, Inc. has provided service to victims of domestic violence & sexual assault since 1986.

In 1985, Michigan Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Board (MDVPTB) contacted the Crawford County Family Independence Agency (FIA) concerning the need for a domestic violence shelter in central northern Michigan. The Crawford County DHS, in turn, contacted Mercy Hospital inquiring whether it would take on the responsibility of being the grantee for a domestic violence shelter program in Grayling to serve Crawford, Roscommon, Ogemaw, and Oscoda Counties.

Our Child Services Worker assures children of adult victims of domestic violence receive special attention. Safety skills are taught and it is stressed that the domestic violence is not the child's fault. During adult support groups, the Youth Advocate, with the help of volunteers trained as child care aides, provide fun and education to the survivor's children.

In January 1986, the hospital committed to the project of River House Shelter by applying for and obtaining the MDVPTB grant.

After 20 years of support from Mercy Hospital, River House applied for and obtained its own non-profit status in April, 2006.

River House, Inc. is dependent on community support. Volunteers donate thousands of hours of service each year. Individuals, community groups, organizations, churches, and businesses donate time, money and tangible items, such as clothing, furniture and transportation to support the agency.

River House provides a number of services to the community. In addition to offering emergency shelter, the crisis line, legal and general advocacy and counseling, River House facilitates educational support groups using the Journey Beyond Abuse curriculum. At this time, we have support groups in each of the four counties.

The Sexual Violence Program provides services to individuals who have experienced sexual violence either in the distant or recent past.

All services are offered free of charge. River House, Inc. works in collaboration with and receives support from the Michigan Department of Human Services, Federal Office of Criminal Justice, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, and the Salvation Army, to name a few. Also, the local community college, hospitals, mental health agencies, health departments, police departments and court officials work collaboratively with River House, Inc. in their mutual goal to end domestic and sexual violence. In addition, River House, Inc. leads monthly meetings to facilitate community collaboration regarding domestic violence policies, procedures, prevention and education. All local agencies and court personnel are encouraged to attend.

River House, Inc. is a United Way Agency of Crawford, Ogemaw and Roscommon Counties.

River House, Inc. is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  All donations are 100% tax deductable.