*trigger warning: violence*
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Google+ allow us to connect, share information and interests with a variety of people and organizations and because you are a friend of River House, we have a suggestion for you. If you are someone who posts information or articles that include references to violence, sexual assault, or domestic violence, please consider starting your posts with a trigger warning. For example:
*trigger warning: violence-sexual assault-abuse-rape*
(general terms that prepare a reader for the following content)
followed by
(the article that has the potential to be triggering)
Sexual Assault Survivors Answer The Question “What Were You Wearing When You Were Assaulted?”
Now you might be asking, why should we put warnings before information and articles? Here at River House we are invested in extending our safe shelter environment beyond the shelter itself. Violence and trauma go hand in hand. Information and articles that have references to violence can be triggering and upsetting for victims, survivors, friends and family.
The trigger warning also serves to protect when the title of an article does not suggest there would be violence in the article itself. Please help us extend our safety here at River House by actively warning your friends and followers about posts that may be triggering!
Check out these links for an interesting article and videos!
Jackson Katz- Violence Against Women, It’s A Men’s Issue (17:41)
Leslie Morgan Steiner- Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave (16:00)
Daniel H. Cohen- For Argument’s Sake (9:35)
Marion Mayer- Why I’m Taking a Stand Against My School’s ‘Dress Code’